About Me

Learn a little more about my background...

The following excerpt is from when I introduced myself to my new coworkers at the Provo Missionary Training Center:

First and foremost, my one hand is not the result of some freak accident; it actually happened when... well, you should have just seen the other guy. In all semi-seriousness, I'm Jake (or Jacob. People still aren't sure what to call me, including myself) McGuire, originally from the frigid cold of northern China, and not-so-originally from the frigid cold of northern Utah, Tremonton. If I am not doing anything sports-related, I am either sequestered in my room doing homework or purposefully avoiding my room and my homework - and anyone is free to join me in either endeavor. I served my mission in Hong Kong and Idaho Falls, and I returned last June. Despite my obvious ties to China, I decided against learning Mandarin in high school to pursue my dream of learning a far more simple language, French, only to have God in His infinite wisdom and humor send me to a Chinese-speaking mission. I loved it there, though, and I learned that God is so well aware of us and our needs that He perfectly places and perfectly misplaces exactly where we are needed.

Meet My Family

The Sun never sets on my family

McGuire family picture, 2021

I have a very unique family, as you can see from the picture. From left to right: sister (from China) and her husband, sister (from Baltimore) and her baby boy and husband, dad (from Utah), mom (from California), sister (from China), brother (from India), and myself (from China).

I love sports, being with my family and friends, watching movies, and playing games. I also love eating food and sleeping :-)